Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 3

Viikko 3

Maanantaina soitimme ensimmäistä kertaa Kansas Cityssä. Marko otti Dragonforcen Hermannilta pikku sparraus-haasteen vastaan, kuten kuvasta näkyy...Tiistaina oli vuorossa Minneapolis. Chicagon House Of Blues olikin tuttu paikka viime rundilta. Torstai oli vapaa-päivä. Päätimme ajaa suorilta Torontoon Canadaan, jossa meitä odotti Jere Lehtisen järkkäämät liput NHL-matsiin. Toronto Maple Leafs pelasi Montreal Canadiensia vastaan. (Suuri kiitos Jerelle lipuista!) Pelin jälkeen kävimme vielä Hard Rock Cafessa syömässä. Oli tosi kiva vapaa-päivä. Perjantaina oli sitten keikan aika Torontossa. Lauantaina Canadan valloitus jatkui Montrealissa ja viikonlopun kruunasi keikka Québecin Theatre Imperialissa.

Week 3

On Monday we played in Kansas City for the first time. Marko did a little sparring with Dragonforce´s Herman, as you can see from the picture. On Tuesday it was time for the Minneapolis show. Chicago´s House Of Blues was already a familiar place for us from the Nightwish-tour last year. Thursday was a day-off for us, so we decided to head straight to Toronto where we had NHL-tickets waiting for us. (A BIG thanx goes to Jere Lehtinen for those tickets!!!) Toronto Maple Leafs was playing against the Montreal Canadiens. It was a season opening game and a lot of people, cool! After the game we went to eat to Hard Rock and I had just perfect fajitas, ever! Really cool day off for us. On Friday we were back in business. We played at Sound Academy in Toronto. On Saturday we went off to Montreal and on Sunday finally played in Québec City´s Theatre Imperial. We had a great show there and lot´s of fans as well. We get quite a lot of these gifts from the fans, like this painting on the picture, really cool stuff! We really appreciate it.




Anonymous said...

The show was awesome! And the painting was a pleasure like I told you after the venue. ;) Thanks to have put it online!

Hope you liked your portrait as well!

Companion Cube said...

WOOO! The Toronto show was amazing, guys! I was in the...second row from the front with the sign. (I gave it to one of your roadies, so I hope you recieved it. Not nearly as nice as that painting or the Leaf's tickets, though. :3 )

Anyway! I caught one of the picks you threw to the crowd. At least,I think it was yours, Elias.

I also got some pictures of you guys. While they aren't the best quality, I thought I should share them with the fans here. Tony and a really blurred Tommy. (Sorry, Tommy, but the lighting and movements were really hard to focus. D: ) Marko and Henrick, opposite end of the stage.

Possibly my favourite picture, because its so trippy, but you look so serene in this picture.

We also got to meet the lead singer of Taking Dawn. Hopefully next year we can catch you and give you a 'real' present. ^-^

...long comment. :O

Hellyöth said...

Hey Elias!

I'm really glad to see that you're again posting here. It's great to read the diary and see that you guys are having fun promoting The Days of Grays(Amazing album, btw! : D I'm one of the first guys in Brazil to have it!) and touring with Dragonforce. They're gonna to play a few gigs here next November and it'd be great to have both bands together in Brazil! Well, we can't have everything in life...but please, be sure to come to South America in the next year. We just can't wait for more 6 years to see you guys live again.

Thank you and keep doing a great job! _\,,/

Daniel(Sao Paulo - Brazil)

PS: Yesterday I learned how to play Flag in the Ground on my keyboard. It's such a great song... but now I'm trying to convince my guitarist to learn the solo and maybe play it with my band live ; )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Your gig in Chicago was simply amazing. You ability as a band and as individual artists bring forth powerful music. Thanks so much for coming to the US. Even after the gig seeing you all at the Irish pub and how kind you all really are is touching and inspiring. You are a gift!

mirai_moon said...

Wow 8-> !
Marko and Dragonforce's Herman!
The photograph looks very happy (or,it looks serious) :) .

And, it is a picture of the masterpiece. It is very wonderful :D 8-> !