Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dessel, Belgium

28.6.08 Dessel, Belgia

Kävimme soittamassa Graspop Metal Meeting-festareilla. Edellispäivän aamuna lennettiin Brysseliin ja sieltä ”pakulla” Desseliin. Olimme vasta iltasella perillä, joten taas oli pitkä matkustus. Keikka oli vallan mukava. Soitettiin päälavalla ja Kiss oli pääesiintyjänä. Ihmisiä oli aivan tolkuttomasti paikalla, varmaan joku 30 tuhatta. En osaa sanoa tarkkaan, mutta enpä ole aiemmin noin suurelle määrälle ihmisiä soittanut. Turvatoimet takalavalla oli mittavat, johtuen Kissin läsnäolosta. Keikan jälkeen meillä oli nimmarisessio ja hengailtiin hiukan Korpiklaanin poikain kanssa. Kävimme ”oman porukan”kanssa katsomassa Kissin keikan, ja kivaa oli. Vielä jaksoivat Gene ”simmottis” ja Paul ”stämmöttis” heilua..”It´s good to be....ME.” Tunnin yöunilla jatkettiin matkaa Suomeen Tuska Festivaaleille…

06/28/08 Dessel, Belgium

We had a show at Graspop Metal Meeting-Festival in Belgium. We flew to Brussels the day before and from there we drove to Dessel in a van. We were there late at night. The show was awesome. We played at the main stage and Kiss was headlining. There were so much people, probably around 30 thousand. I´ve never played for so many people. The security at the backstage was really tight, because of Kiss I suppose. After the show we had a signing session and we hung out with the guys of Korpiklaani a bit. We also went to see the Kiss concert. It was nice. “It´s good to be…ME…”. So with one hour´s sleep we headed to Finland to play at Tuska Festival…Sure had some good time…


Unknown said...


You saw a Kiss show *.*
OMG, how I wanna be there, too.

Yeah, it's a lot of people xD
Sure you guys deserve it. =)

Hey, take care of yourselves (1h's sleep...-.-'') and good luck ate all!

mirai_moon said...

It might surely have been awesome!

Tommy's photogaph is Amusing :D !

Thank you very verymuch for a happy blog and photographs.
Very Very Happy!!!!
Kiitos :) !!!!

Happy birthday Elias :D !!!!
I always wish for your happines :) !

Maria Cláudia said...

Kiss, is my favourite band.
I love oyur texts, man. It's cool.

All The Best.

eternalmetal said...


happy birthday Dear Elias
all the best to you !!!

we love you

sonata arctica chile fans

Marynarctica said...

Hyvää Syntymäpäivää Elias !!! :D

I wish you a wonderfull birthday with all your family and friends, and of course with the Sonata Family !

Kisses from France,


Silverwolf said...

teap! amazing photograph with Tommy!
You must have been happy to meet your child dream!

Happy birthday and have a good end year and many others!

Danas-Revenge said...

Kiitos for your blogs, they always make me smile! =D

Sounds like you guys are having a really great time with all the festivals, hope it's not too stressful for you all. I only wish I could be there to see you guys playing...

Wishing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you for today!!! I would love to say that in Finnish, but I'm afraid I've forgotten how to say it. Hope you had a nice time turning 33.

Keep on rocking!

Big hugs from England.

Luisa x

Mariko said...

Happy birthday Elias!!! =D

See you soon (very soon!) in Milan!!! =)

Unknown said...

U guys were great at GMM.. really loved to see u play finally..
Love ur blogs also..

So glad i going to see u again in November ...cant wait

metal hugs

Unknown said...


Loved you're shoe at GMM.. really really loved it..
glad going to see u guys again in November
have lots of fun.. and keep the blogs coming.. love them

metal hugs

Anonymous said...

Hello my most dear band,
are unique,
are the best of power metal
I am from Argentina
when you did the recital here
you gave the best recital
I was really very excited
thanks for come and i wait
for the words of tony...
he said "i will come back"

Now let me tell you my dream
really Sonata Arctica produce
in me inexplicable things
this is a little crazy but I wanna meet you
sonata arctica is the best thing that I happen to myself in the life......and i not lie
forgive me if I write very bad English

they a kiss ordered an enormous greeting..... to each one...... and I want to see them soon

Sincerely I hug you and greetings

Shiesu said...

Happy birthday!! ^^

I'm sorry I couldn't write you on the day, but I was in a journey to the city of San Sebastian... And the whole time I stayed there I was singing to myself the song by SA haha!

Best wishes!