Monday, November 10, 2008

Madrid, Spain

8.11.08 Madrid, Espanja

Nojuu, ”La Riviera” oli tuttu viime syksystä. Palmuja oli laitettu keskelle salia, oikein oli eksoottinen fiilis. Cateringistä saimme jos jonkinlaista ruokaa, mikä oli ihan jees. Oma feivoritti oli joku paikallinen mustan makkaran variaatio. Porukkaa oli keikalla ”kuin pipoo” ja keikka oli oikein onnistunut. Keikan jälkeen tapasimme Suomalaisia.

11/8/08 Madrid, Spain

”La Riviera”-vanue was familiar to us from the last Fall. There were palm trees inside the venue which was exotic. There were some much different kind of food at the catering. My favourite was this somekind of black sausage. There were a lot of fans in the audience and the show was really good. After the show we met some Finnish people.


Katja said...

Kiitokset kun jaksoitte vielä keikan jälkeen tavata meidät!!!!
Se kruunas koko matkan
Keikka oli mahtava kiitokset myös siitä!!!
toivottavasti nähdään myös ens vuonna
Marko,Katja,Sami,Miina ja Jenni

MetalPotato said...

I was there :D

Great show boys, It was my first Sonata gig and I had a wonderful time :p

Thank you very much for surprises like White Pearl, Black Oceans, the night was great!

That kind of black sausage is called "morcilla" (black pudding or blood sausage). The most well known and widespread is "morcilla de Burgos" which mainly contains coagulated pork blood, fat, rice, onions, and salt. In Albacete and La Mancha the morcilla is filled with onions instead of rice, which completely changes the texture. It is a kind of "embutido", along with "chorizo", "salchichón", "espetec", etc

I knew you'd like spanish food!!

Gwen ap Scathach said...

I was there too! ^^ And was my first Sonata gig as well :P I had a great time, really ^^

Come again to Madrid soon, and with new album if it's possible! We love you!