Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 5

Viikko 5

Viikko alkoi Hartfordin keikalla. Paikka oli tuttu Webster-teatteri aikaisemmilta kiertueilta. Heräiltyämme teimme pienen kävelylenkin ja haimme laatikolliset pitsaa. Keikkakin meni hyvin. Tiistain Chesvickin Ches-a-rena Areena oli uusi paikka meille. Samassa kompleksissa sijaitsi Cowboy-kauppa. Ostimme Tonyn kanssa vähän nahkaliivejä ja stetsoneita..Ameriikan malliin...

Keskiviikkona oli vapaata, ja ajoimme suoraan Londoniin Canadaan. Hotellissa oli sauna ja oikein hyvä sauna olikin. Ollaankohan me nyt viiden viikona aikana päästy kolmesti aika hyvin kuitenkin. Köpöttelimme hieman Londonin kirkonkylällä. Aika lailla Tampereen kokoinen paikka, kuulemma. Löyty sieltä Alko. (siis paikallinen..) Londonin Music Hall oli ihan asiallinen paikka suihkuineen ta tarjoiluineen.

Clevelandin Peabody´s ja Louisvillen Uncle Pleasant´s olikin jälleen vanhoja tuttavuuksia. Melko pieniä paikkoja molemmat. Pienet lavat molemmissa eikä oikein kunnon fasiliteetteja..ei suihkua, et takahuonetta jne.

Edessä on viimeinen keikka muutaman tunnin päästä Milwaukeen "The Rave"-kerholla. Viimeinen keikka onkin oikein kunnon festari. Täällä soittaa mm. Dethklok ja Mastodon. Katsotaan mitä kivaa keksitään viimeiselle keikalle. Ostin eilen kunnon ameriikan sämpylän. Ei voi pieneksi haukkua..

Week 5

The week started from Hartford. We played at Webster Theater. We have played there before so it was familiar. After we woke up we went for a walk to have pizza. The show went well as well. Tuesday´s show at Chesvick´s Ches-a-rena was new place for us. There was also this nice cowboy store so we went there with Tony to buy some Stetsons and leather vests..The American style..

Wednesday was off day. We drove straight to London, Ontario, Canada.The was a very nice sauna in the hotel so it was super cool. I mean warm :-) On the next day we played at Music Hall. Really cool place with showers and everything.

Cleveland´s Peabody´s and Louiville´s Uncle Pleasant´s were also familiar places for us. Pretty tiny clubs, them both, small stages and with no showers and basically not even backstages.

We still have one more show to play at The Rave club in Milwaukee. It´s some kind of festival. There´s also Dethklok and Mastodon playing if I´ve understood correct. Let´s see what fun we come up with for the last show. Yesterday I bought this huge sandwich. The American way..not too small..


Companion Cube said...

We'll miss you guys!!! Come back to Canada real soon!!! <3 Canada's not the same without a touch of Finland. ;3

Unknown said...

haha, that sandwich :) I think it wasn't enough, right? ;)

Ohh the american style, leather vests?? Hmm.. Tony looks better in other clothes I guess..

Have a great day!


Elina said...

Hyvin tuntuu pojat Ameriikan maalla pärjäävän jälleen kerran :) Onnea vaan viimeiselle keikalle!

Nouky said...

OMG.. That sandwich looks so damn tasty (L)
I already get hungry by looking at it..


Anonymous said...

I was at the London show, came from Winnipeg to see it! Awesome show and I can't wait until you guys come back to Canada!

mirai_moon said...

It is a huge sandwich.
It seems to be delicious :) .
I see it, and the stomach has become empty to me again.
I'm hungry(LOL) :p .

Felipe said...

Hey Elias!

Thank you for thelondon show, it was great...and hanging out after the show was fun too!

im sorry everytime youcome to london it snows! maybe nextt ime come earlyin fall or late summer!

please say hi to the rest of the guys!

Neiti - Seitsemän said...

I must say, your London show was the best show I've ever been too, and I've been to my fair amount of shows.
The interaction with the fans was nice, and it looked like you all enjoyed yourself.
Thank you for making my birthday extremely remember-able, and tons of fun.

Khaos said...

I hope that you come back to Brasil, the days of grays is amazing! you're playing so fucking much since unia *-*

Hugs and cheers from Salvador-Bahia-Brasil!

ina said...

Please come to Venezuela!
You have a lot of fans here. We love you!
We want to see you as soom as possible


Inaira ^^
Caracas - Venezuela

ina said...

Please come to Venezuela!
We love you!
