Sunday, November 11, 2007


10.11.07 Kaufbeuren

Tällä kertaa keikka oli carting hallissa. No pojathan kaivoivat heti omat autonsa esiin ja alkoivat kisaamaan. Minä se vaan kirjoittelin blogiin. Teknikkoni Alkoholmin Ana vaihtoi vähän kieliä kitaroihin. Taitoi vaihtaa vielä tuon volume potikankin tuohon Universeen. Vai oliko se Ahti. Vaatii näes kolvaustaitoa se homma. Tehtiin lehtihaastattelu Tonyn kanssa Italialaiseen Rock Hard Magazineen.

Keikka oli taas todella hyvä. Yleisö huusi Sonataa varmaan viis minuuttia keikan jälkeen. Saksalaiset lausuu sen hieman erilailla kuin esmes suomalaiset. Kuullosti kun ne olis huutanu ”Suunaata”. Lisäksi hallissa kaikui aika helkkaristi, niin se kuullosti ihan kuin ne olis huutanu Schumacheria :-) Ehkä ne huusikin. Oltiinhan me formulahallissa...No nyt tuolta fanit selvittikin, että ne huusi "zugabe", se tarkoittaa encorea...Huomenna on välipäivä. Ajetaan Kölniin. Ollaan päivä hotellissa ja lähdetään yöllä ajamaan kohti Lontoota. Että hyvää isänpäivää vaan!

11/10/07 Kaufbeuren

This time we had a gig in a carting hall. The guys started to race immediately. I just wrote to my blog. My guitar technician changed some string to my guitars. And a volume knob to my Universe also. Or was it Ahti..We did this interview with Tony for an Italian magazine Rock Hard.

The show was great again! The audience was shouting “Sonata” for at least 5 minutes after the show. It was cool. In Germany it´s pronounced like “Suunaata”. You add this terrible echo of a carting hall, so it sounded a bit like they would be shouting “Schumacher!” So maybe they did, after all we were in a carting hall. Actually they were shouting "zugabe" which means encore in German...Tomorrow we have a day off. We are driving to Cologne. We have hotel rooms there. Tomorrow is the father´s day in Finland. Alone in a hotel room…


Ashana said...

*giggles* We weren't shouting "Sonata", but "Zugabe" - that's the German word for encore :)

Guys, the show was amazing... the best friggin' concert I've ever witnessed! It's a pity that there weren't soo many people in the audience, but the vibe was great nevertheless.

Hope you'll have a great time at the upcoming concerts.

Take care!

konny said...


Have a great and beautiful free day. Cologne is a wonderful city and there is sooooo much to see :)

And hehe, we dont't shout "Suunaataa" :D but written like this it looks like a finnish word :D

Have fun,

Einen schönen Abend (Hauska iltaa )


Ritchy said...

Awww, Happy Father's Day!!
Your kid should be so proud having you as a father!

Selene said...

Hi Elias!
I am a “Schumacher!” fan ^^ No, no, of Sonata of course!!! ;)
I'll see you in Barcelona this next weekend!
I hope your performace will be great and played with all the feeling you have when you play.
I listened something of Evil and I must say I liked a lot it.
Also I want to say ...when I am waiting at the door of Razzmatazz 1(yeah, I'll be waiting all the day, I want to stay at 1st place) I hope to see you walking along the place!

PS.which type (mark) of pedal do you use for your guitar?
PS2.Congratulations to you because you'll play to Razz1, not in Razz2. I think it's a good thing :)