Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Douglasville, GA/ Day Off

22.9.08 Douglasville, GA/ Välipäivä

Heräilin suhteellisen aikaisin, kun kurvattiin hotellin pihaan. Kävimme syömässä kunnon paikallista coyntry aamiasta. Oli kohtuu isot mätöt, joten oli pakko mennä lepäämään. Iltapäivällä käveltiin ostarille. Ei täällä kyllä ilman autoa tule hommista mitään. Illan päätteksi pulikoitiin taas hotellin uima-altaalla ja kävimme perusjenkkityylisessä perinneruokala ”Hootersissa” iltapala-burgereilla.

09/22/08 Douglasville, GA/ Day Off

I woke up relatively early in the morning when the bus drove to the hotel´s parking lot. We went to breakfast to a local traditional country restaurant. It was quite big set of everything I had to go back to the bus and have a rest. In the afternoon we walked to local mall to do some shopping. You really need to have a car in here. Otherwise it´s not going to work around here. At the end in the evening we swam for while at the pool. It´s was really relaxing. After that we got our evening burgers at this traditional US style restaurant called “Hooters”…


Silverwolf said...

a car or a limousine ^^

I am deeply sorry about what happened this morning...9 death pepole that's too bad. I...

Ena Estrella said...

ha ha...you guys went to hooters?!? thats america for ya...


Marìa Celeste said...

Very niiiiceeee photos!!!! =)
Hugs and kisses..


Ritchy said...

Hooters sucks ass
I hoped they provided better service for you than they did for me