Thursday, September 4, 2008

Toronto, ON

2.9.08 Toronto, ON

Keikkapaikan yhteydessä oli uima-allas, joten kävimmekin iltapäivällä pulahtamassa siinä. Muutenkin oli aika lupsakka päivä. Kokeilimme Henkan kanssa radio-ohjattavia autoja. Vielä ei päästy kisaamaan. Täytyisi meinaan rakentaa kunnon rata kaikkine esteineen..heh..Keikkapaikalla kaikki oli taas viimeisen päälle. Saatiin ruokaakin oikein kaksi kertaa. Ja keikkakin meni mukavasti.

09/02/08 Toronto, ON

There was a pool right next to the venue, so we were there. Nice day all and all. We tried out our RC-cars with Henkka. We didn´t race yet because we would have to build the track for that. Venue was great! We had a lunch and a dinner…And the show was great too!


Mariko said...

Nice place and nice pics! =D
Hope you all are having a great time there!

Take care =)

marnina said...

You guys were awesome at the Toronto show, I only wish you could have played for longer!

Marìa Celeste said...

Great!! really nice pics & comments!!!!
Kisses and hugs!


Felipe said...

Hey dude, thanks for the stretching tips man, they've helped a lot!! the TO show was awesome! we had a great time, thank you!!

by the way, hows Henka been feeling after the TO show? :P hahaha