Friday, September 5, 2008

Cleveland, OH

4.9.08 Cleveland, OH

Hello Cleveland! Aamusella heräiltiin ja käytiin Tommyn kanssa aamisaisella. Puolenpäivän jälkeen pyörähdettiin bussilla koko porukalla paikallisessa Guitar Centerissä shoppailemassa kaikkea tarpeellista ja tarpeetonta. Venukalle päästyämme ajettiin hieman kilpureilla Tonyn ja Henkan kanssa. Vieläkään ei kisailtu. Lähinnä ajettiin autoja sisään. Otin kuvan tuosta meidän bussin slide outista. Tulee hyvin tilaa bussin ”olohuoneeseen” kun se vedetään auki. Noh, itse keikka meni oikein hyvin. Ei ollut valittamista. Keikan jälkeen otettiin kuvia fanien kanssa. Bussissa ehtoolla pidettiin oikein laptop kerho poikien kesken... Huomenna ollaan Mikkelissä vai Detroitissa, tai jossain...

09/04/08 Cleveland, OH

Hello Cleveland! In the morning we went for breakfast with Tommy. In the afternoon we went shopping to a local Guitar Center. When we got to the venue we decided to race a bit whit our RC-cars. My other headlight is already smashed up. I took a picture of the slide out of our bus ´cause it´s soooo cool. It makes our living room in the bus much bigger. Well, the show went ok, I have nothing to complain. After the show we took some photos with the fans. When we got to the bus we had our own laptop club with the boys. Tomorrow were are going to be in Detroit Rock City!


Marissa said...

You guys were awesome last night! My friend and I were the ones watching you guys race in the lot. Looked like a lot of fun. Hope you guys have a great rest of the tour :]

Silverwolf said...

OOO the cars are pretty good ones!

Guitar center? one day when I am in USA I will go there! tahnk you for th adress!

Paula said...

Heheh, the evil car rocks! Who is winning by now?
Well, to be honest the bus looks weird from outside, but It's cool that it's bigger. And if it's comfortable, who cares how it looks? :)

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