Saturday, September 6, 2008

Detroit, MI

5.9.08 Detroit, MI

Synttäripoika Tommy veti akustisen keikan meille bussissa.Illan oikealla keikalla tehtiin Tommylle pieni jekku. Tony kuulutti The Cage:n ”Kakku perkele, The Cake!”. Lähdettiin soittamaan biisiä ja Tommyn yllätykseksi kaikki lopettivat ekan iskun jälkeen soittamisen. Tommy jatkoi vähän aikaa hädissään yksin...Ja sitten laulettiin hyvät syntymäpäivät yleisön kanssa ja paitamyyjämme Kat toi kakun lavalle. Tommy sai puhaltaa kynttilät...Huomenna Chicagosta...

09/05/08 Detroit, MI

Our birthday boy Tommy gave us an acoustic show in the bus. During our main show in the evening we had a little surprise for Tommy. As we started to play The Cage Tony was shouting ”Kakku perkele, The Cake!”. Then we all, for Tommy´s surprise, stopped playing the song. Our merch girl Kat brought a cake with candles on stage and we sung Happy Birthday for dear Tommy with the audience. Tommy got to blow the candles…Yeah, tomorrow more from Chicago…


Anonymous said...

That is one great way to celebrate a birthday, and clever! Happy Birthday to Tommy.

Silverwolf said...

Great birthday!!

Marìa Celeste said...

Happy Birthday Tommy :)
Many greetings from Buenos Aires!

Maria Celeste

Paula said...

Awww, sweet surprise ^^

Happy Birhtday to Tommy!

Mariko said...

Happy Birthday to Tommy!!! =) =)

Tjarls said...

paljon onnea ^^

Sounds like a show with the cake and all ^^

mirai_moon said...

Woooow :D !
Great Birthday��!!!!
Happy Birthday to Tommy�I

Shiesu said...

Happy birthday to Tommy!!

It must have been very exciting to be there in the venue with all the audience singing "Happy birthday" to him! :)

Best wishes guys!