Poughkeepsiessä oli toinen oma keikkamme tälle rundille. Tämäkin paikka oli entuudestaan tuttu viime syksystä. Soitimme The Chance nimisessä clubissa. Aikas pieni paikka oli kyseessä. Ostettiin uudet radio-ohjattavat autot Henkan ja Tonyn kanssa. Itse osti jonku Dodgen tai jonkun. Päästään ajamaan kilpaa sitten tuonnempana, kun on aikaa. Modailtiin autoja vähän tussaamalla ja teippailemalla hieman vauhtiraitoja. Laittelen kuvia autoista tuonnempana. Mutta niin, keikka meni mukavasti ja porukka tykkäsi. Keikan jälkeen nähtiin faneja bussilla ja otettiin kuvia jne. Huomenna sitten Kanadaan.
08/31/08 Poughkeepsie, NY
It was our second headlining show of this tour. This place was also familiar to us from the last autumn. We played at the place called The Chance. It´s pretty small club but ok still. We bought new RC-cars with Henrik and Tony. I have a some kind of Dodge or something. We´re gonna race as soon as we find some time. We were pimping our cars with sharpies and did some taping as well. I´ll put some pics of the cars to blog later. But anyway, the show was pretty ok. And the crowd loved it. After the show we hung out with the fans at the bus. Tomorrow we´re going to Canada…
So Sonata is back on the road... well, it's nice to know that you are already having nice shows and so :)
I'm curious about the racing cars stuff. You seem to be taking this very seriously. Let's see who wins, heh ;)
haha ^^ are you only visiting the same venues as last time?
so... goood lucky for you and sonata arctica in the next concert!
I loved the concert so much Elias. I don't know, you probably don't remember me, but I was that black-haired girl standing literally right in front of you the whole time ^_^ I love your music, and that was actually only my second time seeing you guys. You're amazing performers. Just wanted to let you know that I love listening to your music and you're an awesome guitarist. I'd love to party with you guys sometime. haha I joke. Keep up the awesome metal <3 --Samantha Morano
Yeah, pictures of th new cars!!!
For this timen prices are not so expensive in USA XD.
Have great shows!
PS: WPBO and draw!! graet idea, I'm expecting for the european tour!!!
Nice written there ;) Btw, what guitar do you use now???
(i'm gettin a electric guitar soon, a new Ibanez model, it's gonna cost a hell lot of money, but it's worth it. It comes with the same pedal that Herman Li in DragonForce use and the colour on the guitar is just.... OOOOH!)
Hey Elias!
You guys signed the steering wheel of my van after this show. I don't know how much all of you remember it because some of you seemed to be a little drunk. hahah
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