Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thunder Bay/ Winnipeg, MB

8.2.08 Thunder Bay/ Winnipeg

Flunssa ei tahdo helpottaa. Puolen päivän aikaan oli pakko kömpiä ylös, kun oli mahdollisuus suihkutteluun. Oltiin Thunder Bay nimisessä kaupungissa, ja meille oli varattuna hotellista suihkutteluhuone. Peseytyminen kyllä helpotti oloa kummasti. Sitten lähdettiin ajamaan kohti Winnipegiä...Pelkona oli, että emme ehtisi ajamaan perille ja joutuisimme perumaan keikan. Oltiin lopulta joskus kymmenen aikaan illalla perillä. Aika niukille veti. Keikka oli loppuunmyyty. Kipeenä ei ole kiva esiintyä. Taas keikan jälkeen nähtiin vähän faneja ja jaettiin nimmareita.

02/08/08 Thunder Bay/ Winnipeg

I´m still sick. At noon I had to get out of bed because we had a shower room in a hotel. We were in a city called Thunder Bay. It was very nice to get cleaned up..Then we headed for Winnipeg. We were afraid that we wouldn´t be on time because of the bad weather. It wouldn´t be nice to cancel…Finally we were there around 10 pm. It was a close call. The show was sold out…Not nice to perform while you have fever…Well, we met some fans after the show again.


Ritchy said...

There's flu everywhere, half of the people I know are sick. It sucks a lot. Hope you feel better.

Kris said...

*hugs tightly*

I hope you get feeling better soon hon. I'm sorry you're sick. See you hopefully in California on night of 19th. *more hugs*


mirai_moon said...

Did the heat of yr cold fall :{ :-< ??
Flu becomes popular also in JPN :-< .
(everyone must take care about ful !!!!!)
Slowly sleeping is the Best .
Hope u'll get well soon :) !!!!!

Paula said...

Get well soon, Elias *hugs*