Monday, February 25, 2008

Valparaiso, Chile, Day Off

24.2.08 Valparaiso, Chile, Välipäivä

Heräilin Markolta kun Tommy tuli koputteleen oveen. Kello oli pikkasen puolen päivän jälkeen. Tais olla hyvät fiestat. Päätettiin lähteä syömään ja köpsöttelemään kartsalle, kun käytävässä managerimme AC tuli vastaan ja kertoi että nyt lähdetään pojat syömään. Paikallinen perämoottori, eli promoottori tarjoaa. Ajettiin piitsille sellaiseen merenrantaravintolaan. Henkka ja Make ostivat Keke Rosberg aurinkolasit. Ja tismalleen samanlaiset vielä. Aidot ”Raybanit”. Illan suussa käytiin vielä köpsöttelemässä rumputeknikko Tapsan, Henkan ja valoteknikko Punkin kanssa. Kaikki tuntui olevan kiinni ja sunnuntai kun oli, miehet saarnasivat jotain jeesus (tai jotain) juttuja tienristeyksissä puvut päällä. Kieltä kun en ymmärtänyt, voin vain olettaa. Lopulta löydettiin baari, jossa myytiin kaljaa. Siitä lähdettiin kävelemään, niin löytyi viinakauppaa, pitseriaa ja vaikka mitä. Ensin ei löydy mitään. Sitten yhtäkkiä peli on auki. Loppupäivä menikin akkuja ladatessa hotellihuoneessa...

Pojat olivat muuten edellis-iltana ajelleet meikän kitarateknikon/ meidän pohjois-amerikan kiertuemanagerin Neubin pään. (Neubi on muuten hyvä tyyppi. Kaveri on varsinaisesti Bodomeilla Allun ja Roopen teknikkona. Joten kitarat ovat olleet hyvissä käsissä :-) )Niin, asiaan: Neubi oli puhunut aikaisemmin, että hänen täytyisi käydä parturissa. Istuttiin illallisella ja joku oli miettinyt ”päissään”, että ”jos ajaisitkin kaljuksi suoraan tiettyä rahasummaa vastaan”. Kaveri ei oikein lämmennyt ajatukselle, mutta panokset kovenivat. Lyötiin vetoa. Me pojat kerättäisiin rahat kasaan ja saataisiin ”sheivata” kaverin pää. Lisäksi joku keksi, että Neubi ei saisi ajaa partaa koko loppureissun aikana. Summa alkoi olla huomattava, joten Neubi lopulta suostui. Lisäksi saataisiin laittaa todistusaineisto k.o. tapahtumasta blogiin. Ite olin jo nukkumassa, joten luulisin kuvien ilmestyvän jossain vaiheessa nokia-blogiin. Katsotaan, kuinka käy. Onhan tuollainen oikeasti tosi hölmöä toimintaa, mutta ite luulen että kaikki tuollainen hömppä johtuu oikeasti koti-ikävästä. Ainakin mulla (ja kaikilla muillakin varmasti) alkaa olemaan aika kova ikävä kotiin :-( Mutta, sitä ennen on vielä muutama aikas tärkeä keikka soitettavana. Nyt, Chileläisille kiitos!

02/24/08 Valparaiso, Chile, Day Off

I woke at Marko´s room a little after the noon. Tommy was knocking at our door. I think we had a pretty good Fiesta yesterday. We decided to have a walk and look for a restaurant when we saw our tour manager for this South-American tour Mr. AC in the hallway. He said that now we are going to eat in this restaurant at the beach. And the dinner is on the promoter. Henkka and Make bought these nice (terrible) Keke Rosberg sunglasses. In the early evening I went to have a walk with our drum technician Tapsa, Henkka and our light engineer Punky. Everything seemed to be closed and it was a Sunday day, so men of the book were preaching on the street corners. Finally we found a bar in which we drank a couple of beers. We started to walk back and suddenly everything was there. We found a liquor store and a pizza place. First nothing, then everything. The rest of the day went just by loading batteries in the hotel.

By the way. The “boys” had shaven my guitar technician/ our North American tour manager Neubi´s head. ( Actually, Neubi works for Children Of Bodom, so my guitars are in good hands) Oh well, to the point: Neubi had told us earlier that he would need a haircut. We sat at a dinner table earlier and somebody said: “What if you would shave your head bold?” At first Neubi wasn´t so sure about this but the bet was getting bigger and bigger. We would get the money together and also get to shave his head. Eventually he said yes because the money on the table started to be quite a lot. We also agreed that he can´t shave his beard during this tour anymore. We would also have his permission to have this on the blog. Actually I was sleeping already so if this is going to appear on blog, it will be on our Nokia blog. Let´s see what happens…I know everything like this is really stupid, but I think we do these things because we start to get home-sick. But before we will get home, we have a couple of quite important shows to play. Now, thank you Chile!


Nath said...

Yeah! A couple! Like the one tomorrow in São Paulo, Brazil!
Ok, quitting the crazy fangirl speach, I must say that I think this was a great bet. I love those, but without my money envolved... lol
And I just love these pictures you post! (hsauhsaushsa) They make my day! :D
The Best For You All!

Paula said...

Aww, I'm a bit jealous! ;) Nice weather in Chile, day off, you had fun, you've been doing things which you consider stupid but I consider them funny... hehe, cool!

By the way, nice pictures! :) And no, these sunglases are not that terrible. I've seen terrible ones (ones which seem like the eyes of a fly haha)

Unknown said...

yeah, the weather in valparaiso and viña del mar is great :D i'm glad that you had a great time here; on behalf of all the fans of you in this city thanks for coming to valparaiso, we will never forget that show

take care ^^

Rodrigo said...

Cool, I've been there a couple of times and it's a very nice city. We're waiting for your concert this saturday. I'll travel over 1.200 km this thursday only to watch the show. I'll be at the Stadium very early, so if you can arrive at the front door, I'll be there. I'll go with a flag.

Hoping to see you live for the first time. Keep on enjoying this tour.

Greetings from Argentina!

Vale.Bekho said...

Hello! I am a fan of Valparaiso I was present at the show .. I was in the first row and was incredible..
We hope to have them very soon again... please!!

I hope you understand my english is not very good...
You can send greetings to Marko... Have a look very nice:)
Good luck to you all... I wish you the best..

Unknown said...

Reading about your antics is the highlight of my day, I swear.

Leandro said...

Hey Elias! Cant wait to see you guys next saturday! Its my gf's bday that day, and ill miss some of the party to go see you! Ill travel from the same city than Rodrigo to see you.

Small request: could you drop Tallulah in the setlist? It's one of my favourite songs (along with the rest of Sonata's songs) and id love to hear it live!

See ya next week, Leandro.

mirai_moon said...

Moi! Hi!
Elias!!!!(Wow! Elias cooool photograph :D !!!! )
Thank you very very much for a happy blog in spite of a busy schedule.
Kiitos !!!! Very Very Happy 8-> :-)) !!!!!
I see the blog (allday) everyday :D !!!!!

Marko and Henrik's
Nice (terrible?) sunglasses!
But,Amusing,Lovely,Cooool (LOL) 8-> :-)) !!!!!

It looks forward to a happy photograph and the blog everyday :D !!!!!

mirai_moon said...

Moi! Hi!
Elias!!!!(Wow! Elias cooool photograph :D !!!! )
Thank you very very much for a happy blog in spite of a busy schedule.
Kiitos !!!! Very Very Happy 8-> :-)) !!!!!
I see the blog (allday) everyday :D !!!!!

Marko and Henrik's
Nice (terrible?) sunglasses!
But,Amusing,Lovely,Cooool (LOL) 8-> :-)) !!!!!

It looks forward to a happy photograph and the blog everyday :D !!!!!

Ritchy said...

I agree those sunglasses are terrible. They look like old school bounty hunters.