Heräilin juuri sopivasti soundcheckkiin. Henkka oli vielä keräilemässä itseään, joten Tony ehti vähän soitella koskettimia meidän kanssa. No sehän alkoi jamittaa Popedan Erotomaniaa..Ei siinä. kaikki mukaan! Henkkakin tuli sopivasti puikkoihin ja siinä sitä sitten soitettiin Popedaa. Aivan mahtavaa.
Iltapäivällä pojat teki pari haastattelua. Minä sain vapautuksen..piti nääs kirjoittaa vähän blogia. Ruokakin oli hyvää. Riisiä ja jotain lihasoossia. Tunnelma takahuoneessa oli oikein vapautunut. Jos saa hyvin nukuttua, niin jaksaa paremmin. Tony ajeli ralliautollaan b
Illan keikka oli mahtava! Keikan loppupäässä Tony jakaa yleisön eri rummuiksi ja ikään kuin soittaa ”ihmisrumpuja”. Siinä sitä on naurussa pitelemistä. Niin bändillä kuin yleisölläkin..Ranska oli tässä hivenen poikkeus muihin maihin. Ranskassa eri rummut buuasivat toisilleen. Tyyliin: ”buu virvelit, ette te meille pärjää, me ollaan sentäs basareita.” Mielenkiintoisia nämä kulttuurierot. Josko tuota nyt voi sellaiseksi laskea..Tämä ”rummutus”-kuva on otettu muistaakseni Saksassa kaupungissa nimeltä Kaufbeuren. Illalla tavattiin vielä faneja ja sitten olikin jo aika lähteä jatkamaan matkaa. Espanja, täältä tullaan!
11/14/07 Lyon
I woke up just before it was time for a soundcheck. We were still waiting for Henrik, so Tony decided to play some keyboards. Well, he started to play Popeda´s Erotomania (legendary finnish rock band). It´s our favourite song right now. Henkka joined us just in time there we were playing Popeda. It kicks a
In the afternoon boys did couple of interviews. I didn´t have to because I wrote this blog :-) And the food was good this time. Rice and somekind of meat sauce. The atmosphere at the backstage was really relaxed. Tony drove with his radio controlled car, I wrote to my blog, Marko was surfing at some weird web pages..Henkka was off to the bus to watch Prison Break, Tommy also went for a nap.
Show was awesome again! At the end of the show, right before the encores, Tony usually splits the audience into these different drums. He sort of like plays the “human” drums then. France was different. They “booed” to each others like: “ Boo, you snares, we are better! After all we are the bassdrums!” Or something like that I quess. Very interesting are these cultural differences. If this counts, I´m not sure..This drumming pic is taken in Kaufbeuren in Germany. At night we met some fans again and soon it was time to get going again. Spain, here we come!
a friend just gave me this link, and so I have one question, do you know whether you gonna perform at "Radio Rock Finlandia"?? Cause it isn't said on your official HP yet. Well would be nice to receive an answer.
paljon terveisiä
It was a very good show! The sound was better than in Elysée Montmartre (Paris). I've loved the crazy We will rock you (pss broum bam)!!!!!
And, the french forum "Sonata France" is uninimous in thinking that Elias is a very good guitarist and a realy nice person. For us, he is a very good supply for Sonata.
From the french forum: Rakkastamme Teita! Ja rakkastamme Elias!
Your are totaly adoped ;)
So, I hope you have a good travel in Spain!
And...hrum, ok, i said it: Paljon Pusuja.
(embarassed i am and like Yoda i speak ... ;) )
I was at this concert and it was so awesome !
This was the first time I've seen Sonata and it seemed like a dream!
At the end, like I couldn't wait for you :(, I gived a painting to a watchman in order to he give it to you, do you have it ? I hope he had not forgot!
long life to Sonata !!!!
i just can say great show
but one picture isnt in lyon because i wasnt there ^^
this is in kaufbeuren
it doesnt matter ^^
see you
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