Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Calgary, AL

11.2.08 Calgary

Heräilin hyvien yöunien jälkeen, kun alettiin olemaan perillä paikan päällä. Nukuin ennätykselliset 9 tuntia lämpimässä yläpunkassa. aijai...Itseasiassa täytyi vielä jatkaa unia...Heräsin varmaan joskus viideltä iltapäivällä, kun lähdettiin köpsöttelemään syömään poikain kanssa...Ravinteli oli sellainen pihvi/ sportti ravinteli. Katseltiin NHL:llää telkusta ja syötiin piffiä. Katseltiin Jere Lehtisen edesottamuksia, joka muuten tavattiin viimeksi, kun oltiin Dallasissa keikalla. Ite en viitsinyt ottaa purilaista....Otin kanapastaa...Itse asiassa oon syönyt vasta 3 purilaista tällä reissulla, joista 1 on ollut Mc. Aika hyvin.

Takahuoneessa meillä oli taas biljardipöytä, joten sitä siinä sitten pojat vähän lätki..

Keikka ol i muuten taas loppuunmyyty. Suomen lippuakin siellä jotkut tytöt heilutteli yleisössä. Oli hieno soittaa. Siinä keikan aikana kuulin erään jätkän huutavan, että ”keikan jälkeen pelataankin vähän lätkää”..Vähän ihmettelin, että mikäs juttu tää on. Mutta kun käveltiin bussille ja tavattiin faneja niin kaveri löi mailan käteen. Kaverit oli tuonut pick upin lavalla maalin ja mailat. Maalivahdilla oli kaikki varusteet viimesen päällä polkkeista lähtien. Kiekosta kävi rytistetty kola-tölkki. Siinä sitten parkkipaikalla pelattiin kiekkoa. Olipa oikein hauskaa!!

02/11/08 Calgary

I woke up after a good night´s sleep. I slept over 9 hours in the upper bunk…Actually I went to sleep again and woke up maybe at 5 pm. Then we went to eat with the guys to a local sports restaurant. We watched NHL on tv while we ate. Jere Lehtinen was playing…actually we met Jere last time we were playing in Dallas. I didn´t care to have a burger, so I ordered some chicken pasta. I have ate only 3 burgers on this tour and 1 of them being Mc. Not so bad…

We had a pool table once again at the backstage…This time Henkka and Marko played a round..

The gig was sould out again! Some girls had a Finnish flag in the audience. Just had a great time! Some guy in the audience was shouting that after the show we are going to play some ice hockey. I was wondering a little bit about that but when we walked to the bus after the show I understood..This guy was there with these ice hockey sticks..They had even a goal and goalie..Puck that we had was this crushed Coke can. So, in the parking lot, we played some ice hockey. We had such a good time!!


Unknown said...

Thank-you guys SO much. I had been looking forward to this show for a long time and you definitely did not disappoint. I wish we hadn't had such an early morning ahead of us and could have stuck around to try to meet you all.. but the show was WELL worth it. Please come back again!!


Kris said...

That is so nice that you played hockey with your fans. Just shows how amazing you all are. Can't wait to meet you next Tuesday!


BladeXT said...

You guys rocked! I also wish that I didn't have to work in the morning.. else I would've had you sign my VIKING HAT that I wore! Thanks for putting on a really amazing show.
-"Fukin Luke"

Unknown said...

Haha. Bladext, I got a picture of you up on stage with Sanctity :D

BladeXT said...

dOh really? Hahaha I got one but its not that good.. if you have facebook you should post it in the sonata arctica group lol

Unknown said...

My picture isn't fantastic, I was off to the side by the booths so I wouldn't get killed by the people moshing haha. I'll post it though :D

Dea_al_Mon said...

Awesome show, you guys! Too bad you got sick... I haven't had such a good time in my LIFE. You better come back soon! *shakes fist at*